Jetpack Compose Mastery Series Finale: 38 Key Issues in Compose UI


Jetpack Compose is a modern UI development framework for Android that uses a declarative approach to build interfaces, greatly simplifying UI development. However, as a new technology, Compose inevitably encounters some problems and challenges in practical development. Part 1 introduced Jetpack Compose Mastery Part 1: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Your First Compose Application, Part 2 introduced Jetpack Compose Mastery Part 2: Advanced Tools and Resources for Mastering Compose UI, and this article summarizes 38 potential issues, their analysis, and solutions. At the same time, in the AI era, development efficiency for Compose UI can also be improved through AI. For example, AI Code supports converting designs into Compose UI Code.

Issue 1: State Management and Recomposition

Problem Description

In Compose, changes in state trigger recomposition of the UI. Improper state management can lead to frequent and unnecessary recompositions, affecting performance.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    var counter by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
    Button(onClick = { counter++ }) {
        Text("Clicked $counter times")

Problem Analysis

In the code above, each button click changes the counter state, which triggers the recomposition of the entire MyComponent. If MyComponent is a complex component, frequent recompositions could lead to performance issues.


Use LaunchedEffect or DerivedStateOf to optimize state changes, triggering recomposition only when necessary.

fun MyComponent() {
    var counter by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
    val clickAction = rememberUpdatedState { counter++ }

    Button(onClick = { clickAction.value.invoke() }) {
        Text("Clicked $counter times")

Issue 2: Layout Performance

Problem Description

In Compose, improper nesting of layouts can lead to performance degradation.

Code Example

fun NestedLayouts() {
    Column {
        Row {
            // ...more nested layouts

Problem Analysis

Excessively nested layouts increase the complexity of layout calculations, leading to performance issues.


Optimize the layout structure by reducing unnecessary nesting and using more efficient layout methods such as Box and ConstraintLayout.

fun OptimizedLayouts() {
    Box {
        // Use Box to avoid unnecessary nesting

Issue 3: Compatibility Issues

Problem Description

Mixing Compose with the traditional Android View system may lead to compatibility issues.

Code Example

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {

Problem Analysis

Directly using Compose within an Activity or Fragment can cause issues with lifecycle management, state preservation, and more.


Ensure that the lifecycle of Compose components is consistent with the hosting Activity or Fragment. Use rememberSaveable to preserve state.

fun MyComposeContent() {
    val counter by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(0) }
    // ...

Issue 4: Animation Complexity

Problem Description

Implementing complex animations in Compose can lead to issues that are difficult to manage and debug.

Code Example

fun MyAnimatedComponent() {
    val animatedValue = animateFloatAsState(targetValue = if (visible) 1f else 0f)
    // ...

Problem Analysis

Managing the state and lifecycle of animations can become complex, especially when there are multiple animations occurring simultaneously.


Use the Transition API to manage complex animation states and encapsulate animation logic within separate functions.

fun MyAnimatedComponent(visible: Boolean) {
    val transition = updateTransition(targetState = visible, label = "")
    val alpha by transition.animateFloat(label = "") { if (it) 1f else 0f }
    // ...

Issue 5: Underlying Drawing Mechanism of Compose UI

Problem Description

The underlying drawing mechanism of Compose UI is different from the traditional Android View system, which may cause issues for developers when custom drawing.

Code Example

fun CustomDrawComponent() {
    Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        drawRect(color = Color.Blue)
        // Custom drawing logic

Problem Analysis

In Compose, custom drawing is achieved through the Canvas API. Since Compose's drawing is based on the Skia graphics library, rather than the traditional Android Canvas API, this may lead to differences in drawing behavior.


Familiarize yourself with Compose's Canvas API and understand how it differs from the native Android Canvas API. When custom drawing, follow Compose's drawing principles, such as using methods provided by DrawScope for drawing, and pay attention to performance optimization.

Issue 6: Compose UI's Layout Algorithm

Problem Description

Compose UI uses its own layout algorithm, which may pose challenges for developers when implementing complex layouts.

Code Example

fun CustomLayout(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        content = content
    ) { measurables, constraints ->
        // Custom layout logic

Problem Analysis

Compose's layout system is based on a measure and place phase, which is different from the layout process of the Android View system. In Compose, each component must provide its own measuring and placement logic.


Gain a deep understanding of Compose's layout principles, including concepts such as Measurable, Constraints, and Placeable. When implementing custom layouts, follow Compose's layout conventions and consider performance and reusability.

Issue 7: Compose UI's Touch Event Handling

Problem Description

The touch event handling mechanism in Compose UI is different from the Android View system, which may lead to changes in event handling logic.

Code Example

fun TouchComponent(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
    Box(modifier = modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
            onPress = { /* Handle press event */ },
            onDoubleTap = { /* Handle double-tap event */ },
            onLongPress = { /* Handle long-press event */ }
    }) {
        // Component content

Problem Analysis

In Compose, touch events are handled through the pointerInput modifier and related event handling functions. This approach to event handling is quite different from the onTouchEvent method in Android Views.


Become familiar with Compose's event handling APIs, such as pointerInput, detectTapGestures, and understand how to use them to handle various touch events. When dealing with complex interactions, consider using InteractionSource and MutableInteractionSource to manage the interaction state of components.

Issue 8: Compose UI's Animation System

Problem Description

Compose UI provides a brand new animation system, which may present a learning curve for developers when implementing animations.

Code Example

fun AnimatedComponent() {
    val animatedValue by animateFloatAsState(
        targetValue = if (visible) 1f else 0f,
        animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 300)
    // Use animatedValue

Problem Analysis

Compose's animation system is based on Kotlin coroutines and state changes, which is quite different from the Animator and Animation classes in the Android View system.


Learn Compose's animation APIs, such as animate*AsState, updateTransition, and understand the principles behind them. When implementing animations, follow Compose's animation patterns and pay attention to performance optimization.

Issue 9: Performance Optimization in Compose UI

Problem Description

Although Compose UI is designed to provide a high-performance UI framework, performance optimization still needs to be considered in practical development.

Code Example

fun PerformanceSensitiveComponent() {
    // Component with high performance requirements

Problem Analysis

In Compose, improper state management, excessive recomposition, unnecessary layout nesting, and other issues can lead to performance problems.


Avoid using complex logic within Composable functions, and use state and effect handling functions like remember and LaunchedEffect judiciously. Use lazy-loading components such as LazyColumn and LazyRow to optimize list performance. Utilize Android Studio's Profiler tool for performance analysis and optimize based on the analysis results.

Issue 10: Memory Leaks

Problem Description

In Compose, memory leaks can occur due to improper state management or references to external objects.

Code Example

class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
    val data = MutableLiveData<String>()

fun MyComponent(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
    val data by
    // ...

Problem Analysis

If MyComponent holds a reference to the ViewModel and does not handle the lifecycle correctly, memory leaks may occur when MyComponent should be destroyed but the reference still exists.


Use the viewModel() function to obtain an instance of ViewModel and ensure that no external object references that could lead to memory leaks are held within Composable functions.

fun MyComponent() {
    val viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()
    val data by
    // ...

Issue 11: Navigation and Routing

Problem Description

When using Compose for page navigation, you may encounter issues with complex routing management and inconsistent navigation states.

Code Example

fun MyApp() {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
    NavHost(navController, startDestination = "home") {
        composable("home") { HomeScreen(navController) }
        composable("detail") { DetailScreen(navController) }

Problem Analysis

In complex applications, the navigation structure can become very intricate, making it difficult to manage and maintain.


Use NavHost and NavController to manage navigation and separate navigation logic from UI logic as much as possible. Consider using navArgument and navDeepLink provided by the Navigation component to handle parameter passing and deep linking.

fun MyApp() {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
    NavHost(navController, startDestination = "home") {
        composable("home") { HomeScreen(navController) }
        composable("detail/{itemId}", arguments = listOf(navArgument("itemId") { type = NavType.StringType })) { backStackEntry ->
            DetailScreen(navController, backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("itemId"))

Issue 12: Asynchronous Data Handling

Problem Description

When handling asynchronous data in Compose, you may encounter issues with data not updating in a timely manner or state not being synchronized.

Code Example

fun MyAsyncComponent(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
    val data by
    // ...

Problem Analysis

Updates to asynchronous data may not immediately reflect on the UI, or the UI may not recompose correctly after data updates.


Use LaunchedEffect and Flow to handle asynchronous data updates and ensure recomposition is triggered when data changes.

fun MyAsyncComponent(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
    val data by

    LaunchedEffect(key1 = data) {
        // Perform related actions when data updates
    // ...

Issue 13: Multiplatform Compatibility

Problem Description

With the introduction of Jetpack Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web, developers may want to apply Compose across multiple platforms, which can introduce compatibility issues.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    // Uses APIs specific to the Android platform
    Text(text = "Hello, Compose!")

Problem Analysis

On different platforms, some Compose APIs may vary, or certain platform-specific features may not be available on other platforms.


Use generic Compose APIs as much as possible and handle platform-specific code with preprocessor directives or platform-specific modules.

fun MyComponent() {
    // Use generic Compose APIs
    Text(text = "Hello, Compose!")
    // Handle platform-specific code with preprocessor directives or platform-specific modules

Issue 14: Screen Adaptation and Layout Reusability

Problem Description

Maintaining UI consistency and responsiveness across devices with different screen sizes and densities can be challenging.

Code Example

fun FixedSizeComponent() {
    Box(modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp)) {
        // Fixed-size component content

Problem Analysis

In the code above, the component's size is fixed at 200.dp, which may look too large on small-screen devices and too small on large-screen devices.


Use layouts such as BoxWithConstraints and ConstraintLayout to dynamically adjust the size and layout of components based on screen size.

fun ResponsiveComponent() {
    BoxWithConstraints {
        val constraints = if (maxWidth < 600.dp) {
            // Small screen layout constraints
        } else {
            // Large screen layout constraints
        ConstraintLayout(constraints) {
            // Responsive layout content

Question 15: Theme and Style Consistency

Problem Description

Maintaining color, font, and other style consistency in an application, especially in large projects and team collaborations, can be challenging.

Code Example

fun InconsistentStyleComponent() {
    Text("Hello, Compose!", color = Color.Red, fontSize = 18.sp)
    // Other places use different colors and font sizes

Problem Analysis

Specifying style values directly in different components leads to inconsistent styles, making it difficult to maintain and update.


Use MaterialTheme to define the application's colors, fonts, and shapes, and use these theme styles throughout the application.

fun ConsistentStyleComponent() {
    Text("Hello, Compose!", style = MaterialTheme.typography.h6, color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary)
    // Also use MaterialTheme styles in other components

Question 16: Third-Party Library Integration

Problem Description

Integrating third-party libraries and existing Android View components into Compose can lead to compatibility and integration issues.

Code Example

fun ThirdPartyIntegration() {
    // Suppose you need to integrate a third-party chart library
    AndroidView(factory = { context ->
        // Create and return a third-party View instance

Problem Analysis

Third-party libraries may not provide direct support for Compose, requiring integration through AndroidView or similar, which can lead to performance issues and complicate lifecycle management.


Seek out versions of third-party libraries that already support Compose where possible, or use AndroidView for integration, ensuring proper handling of lifecycle and state synchronization.

fun ThirdPartyIntegration() {
    AndroidView(factory = { context ->
        // Create and return a third-party View instance
    }, update = { view ->
        // Update the state of the third-party View

Question 17: Internationalization and Localization

Problem Description

Implementing internationalization and localization in Compose can present challenges with resource management and dynamic updates.

Code Example

fun LocalizedComponent() {
    Text(text = stringResource(R.string.hello_world))

Problem Analysis

Ensuring that text and other resources correctly reflect the current language and locale settings can be challenging in a dynamic language environment.


Use stringResource and other resource functions to load localized resources, and reload and update the UI when the language or locale settings change.

fun LocalizedComponent() {
    val context = LocalContext.current
    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalConfiguration provides context.resources.configuration) {
        Text(text = stringResource(R.string.hello_world))

Question 18: Compose UI Preview vs. Actual Device Differences

Problem Description

Developers may find differences between how Compose UI appears in the preview and how it displays on an actual device.

Code Example

fun MyComponentPreview() {

Problem Analysis

The preview feature provides a quick way to see how Composable functions render, but it may not fully simulate the actual device environment, such as screen size, resolution, system theme, etc.


When previewing, use parameters of the @Preview annotation to simulate different device characteristics, such as device, widthDp, heightDp, etc. Also, ensure to test the UI on a variety of actual devices and emulators to verify its performance in different environments.

Question 19: Deep Memory Optimization

Problem Description

When developing complex applications with Compose, you may encounter performance issues and crashes due to improper memory usage.

Code Example

fun LargeDataComponent(largeDataList: List<LargeData>) {
    LazyColumn {
        items(largeDataList) { data ->

Problem Analysis

In the code above, if largeDataList contains a large amount of data, all Text components will be recreated with each recomposition, which could lead to excessive memory usage and even trigger an OutOfMemoryError.


Use the key parameter to optimize the recomposition process of LazyColumn, ensuring that only items with changed data are recomposed.

fun LargeDataComponent(largeDataList: List<LargeData>) {
    LazyColumn {
        items(largeDataList, key = { item -> }) { data ->

Question 20: Crashes Caused by Complex Animations

Problem Description

Improper resource management during the implementation of complex animations can lead to application crashes.

Code Example

fun ComplexAnimationComponent() {
    val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
    val animatedValue = infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
        initialValue = 0f,
        targetValue = 1f,
        animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
            animation = tween(durationMillis = 1000, easing = LinearEasing),
            repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse
    // Use animatedValue

Problem Analysis

If the animation component is frequently created and destroyed, it may lead to animation resources not being released in time, causing memory leaks and crashes.


Ensure that animation resources are correctly released at the end of the component's lifecycle by using DisposableEffect to manage the creation and destruction of resources.

fun ComplexAnimationComponent() {
    val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
    val animatedValue = infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
        // ...
    DisposableEffect(Unit) {
        onDispose {
            // Clean up animation resources
    // Use animatedValue

Question 21: Multithreading and Concurrency Issues

Problem Description

When dealing with multithreading and concurrency in Compose, one might encounter thread safety and synchronization issues, leading to application crashes or data inconsistencies.

Code Example

fun ConcurrencyComponent(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
    val data by
    // Assume is updated in a background thread

Problem Analysis

If is updated in a background thread while the Compose component reads the data on the main thread, there could be thread safety issues.


Ensure that all state updates are performed on the main thread by using withContext(Dispatchers.Main) to switch to the main thread.

class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
    val data = mutableStateOf("")

    fun updateData(newData: String) {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                data.value = newData

Question 22: Exception Handling and Crash Analysis

Problem Description

In Compose, exceptions can be thrown in places that are not easily noticeable, leading to application crashes.

Code Example

fun ExceptionProneComponent() {
    val data = remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
    Text(data.value!!.toString()) // Forced unwrapping may cause a NullPointerException

Problem Analysis

In Compose, due to its declarative nature, exceptions can be thrown during the recomposition process, which can cause the application to crash.


Use Kotlin's safe calls and null checks to avoid potential null pointer exceptions, and add exception handling logic where appropriate.

fun SafeComponent() {
    val data = remember { mutableStateOf<String?>(null) }
    Text(data.value ?: "Default Value")

Question 23: Memory Leaks in Compose

Problem Description

In Compose, memory leaks can occur due to improper resource management or references to Composable functions.

Code Example

fun MyLeakyComponent() {
    val context = LocalContext.current
    val bitmap = remember { BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.resources, R.drawable.large_image) }
    Image(bitmap = bitmap.asImageBitmap(), contentDescription = null)

Problem Analysis

In the code above, bitmap is remembered within the Composable function. If this Composable function is not properly removed from the Composition, the large image resource will not be reclaimed, leading to a memory leak.


Use DisposableEffect to manage resources that need to be manually released, and ensure that these resources are released when the Composable function is removed from the Composition.

fun MySafeComponent() {
    val context = LocalContext.current
    val bitmap = remember {
        BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.resources, R.drawable.large_image)
    DisposableEffect(Unit) {
        onDispose {
            bitmap.recycle() // Release bitmap resources
    Image(bitmap = bitmap.asImageBitmap(), contentDescription = null)

Question 24: Exception Propagation in Compose

Problem Description

In Compose, exceptions can be thrown during the recomposition process of Composable functions, but the propagation and handling of exceptions differ from the traditional Android View system.

Code Example

fun ExceptionThrowingComponent() {
    throw RuntimeException("An unexpected error occurred")

Problem Analysis

Exceptions thrown in Compose may not be caught by traditional try-catch blocks, as recomposition can occur within the internal framework code of Compose.


Use CompositionLocalProvider to provide an exception handler, and use this handler within Composable functions to catch and handle exceptions.

val LocalExceptionHandler = compositionLocalOf<(Throwable) -> Unit> { { throw it } }

fun MyRootComponent() {
    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalExceptionHandler provides { throwable ->
        // Handle the exception
    }) {
        // The rest of the application

fun MySafeComponent() {
    try {
    } catch (e: Throwable) {

Question 25: Type Safety Issues in Compose

Problem Description

In Compose, due to limitations of the type system, there can sometimes be type safety issues, especially when dealing with generics and type inference.

Code Example

fun <T> GenericComponent(item: T) {
    // Assume we need to render different UI based on the type of T
    when (item) {
        is String -> Text(item)
        is Int -> Text(item.toString())
        // More type branches...
        else -> Text("Unsupported type")

Problem Analysis

In the code above, we try to render different UIs based on the actual type of the generic parameter T. However, this kind of type checking and casting can lead to type safety issues, especially when type erasure occurs.


Avoid using generics in Composable functions as much as possible, or provide specialized Composable functions for each type.

fun StringComponent(item: String) {

fun IntComponent(item: Int) {

// When calling, select the corresponding Composable function based on the actual type

Question 26: Kotlin Compiler Plugin Issues

Problem Description

Jetpack Compose relies on a Kotlin compiler plugin to transform the bytecode of Composable functions, which can lead to compilation-time issues.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    // Contents of the Composable function

Problem Analysis

Since Compose uses a custom Kotlin compiler plugin, this can create compatibility issues with Kotlin versions, other plugins, or Gradle versions. For example, the compiler plugin might not correctly handle certain code structures, leading to compilation failures or incorrect bytecode generation.


Ensure that the Kotlin version used in your project is compatible with Jetpack Compose and update to the latest version of Compose promptly. If you encounter compilation issues, try cleaning the project, re-syncing Gradle, or checking the Compose issue tracker for solutions.

Question 27: Bytecode Optimization Issues

Problem Description

The Compose compiler plugin transforms and optimizes the bytecode of Composable functions, which can affect performance and the readability of the bytecode.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    // Contents of the Composable function

Problem Analysis

The Compose compiler plugin inserts specific bytecode to handle state management and recomposition logic, which can make the generated bytecode more complex than standard Kotlin code. In some cases, this can affect performance, especially in scenarios where recomposition occurs frequently.


Optimize the structure of Composable functions to reduce unnecessary state changes and recompositions. Use APIs like remember and derivedStateOf to cache computation results and avoid performing complex calculations within Composable functions. If performance issues arise, use the Profiler tool in Android Studio to analyze and optimize based on the analysis results.

Question 28: Obfuscation and Code Shrinking Issues

Problem Description

When obfuscating and code shrinking a Compose application, runtime crashes may occur due to improperly configured rules.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    // Contents of the Composable function

Problem Analysis

ProGuard or R8 obfuscation tools require correct rule configurations to ensure that classes and functions needed by the Compose runtime are not obfuscated or removed. Improper configuration can lead to runtime crashes due to missing necessary classes or functions.


Ensure that the classes and members required by the Compose runtime are preserved in the obfuscation rules. Typically, the Compose library provides default obfuscation rules, but additional rules may need to be manually added when incorporating other libraries or custom code. Perform thorough testing before releasing the app to ensure that the obfuscated application still works correctly.

Question 29: Generic Erasure and Overload Resolution Issues

Problem Description

When using generics in Compose, there may be type conflicts or overload resolution issues due to generic erasure.

Code Example

fun <T> MyGenericComponent(value: T) {
    // ...

fun MyGenericComponent(value: String) {
    // ...

Problem Analysis

Due to the erasure of generics at runtime in Kotlin, this can lead to overloaded Composable functions not being correctly resolved at compile time. Additionally, the Compose compiler plugin may encounter extra complexity when handling generics.


Avoid using generic overloads in Composable functions as much as possible. If they must be used, ensure that the function signatures are distinct enough at compile time for the compiler to resolve correctly. In some cases, it may be necessary to explicitly specify type parameters or use different function names to avoid conflicts.

Issue 30: Annotation Processor Compatibility Issues

Problem Description

When using Compose, you may encounter compatibility issues with Kotlin annotation processors, such as KAPT, which can affect the build process or cause runtime errors.

Code Example

fun MyAnnotatedComponent() {
    // ...

Problem Analysis

KAPT is Kotlin's annotation processing tool, used for handling Java annotations. Since Compose uses a custom Kotlin compiler plugin, this may conflict with the way KAPT processes annotations, leading to compilation errors or generated code that does not meet expectations.


Ensure you are using an annotation processor version that is compatible with Compose, and follow the best practices for annotation processors as outlined in the official documentation. If you encounter compatibility issues, try upgrading or downgrading the relevant libraries, or look for solutions provided by the community.

Issue 31: Kotlin IR Compiler Backend Issues

Problem Description

Compose relies on Kotlin's IR (Intermediate Representation) compiler backend to generate code, which may lead to issues related to IR transformations.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    // ...

Problem Analysis

Kotlin IR is the new backend for the Kotlin compiler, offering richer code analysis and transformation capabilities. However, as the IR backend is relatively new, there may be some unknown issues or inconsistencies with the behavior of the old backend (JVM bytecode).


Use the latest version of the Kotlin plugin and ensure your project configuration correctly uses the IR backend. If you encounter issues related to the IR backend, try creating a minimal reproducible example and report it to the Kotlin team, or look for existing solutions in the community.

Issue 32: Runtime Behavior Changes Due to Compose Compiler Optimizations

Problem Description

The Compose compiler plugin optimizes Composable functions, which may lead to runtime behavior that is inconsistent with expectations.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    println("Composing MyComponent")
    // ...

Problem Analysis

The Compose compiler plugin attempts to optimize the number of recompositions to improve performance. This may result in some code (such as println) being executed fewer times than expected because Compose will skip unnecessary recompositions.


Understand the recomposition mechanism of Compose and avoid relying on side effects (such as logging) within Composable functions. If you need to perform side effects, you should use Compose-provided effect handling functions like LaunchedEffect, SideEffect, or DisposableEffect.

Issue 33: Interoperability Issues with Java Bytecode in Compose

Problem Description

When calling Java code from Compose or calling Composable functions from Java code, you may encounter interoperability issues.

Code Example

public class JavaClass {
    public static void callComposable() {
        // Call a Composable function

Problem Analysis

Since Composable functions have a special bytecode structure after compilation, directly calling Composable functions from Java code may lead to compilation errors or runtime exceptions.


Avoid directly calling Composable functions from Java code. If you need to trigger recomposition of Composable functions from Java code, this can be achieved through a ViewModel or other shared state mechanisms.

Issue 34: Version Conflicts with Compose Compiler Plugins

Problem Description

When using multiple libraries that depend on the Compose compiler plugin in a project, you may encounter version conflict issues.

Code Example

dependencies {

Problem Analysis

If two libraries depend on different versions of the Compose compiler plugin, it may lead to compilation errors or inconsistent runtime behavior, as each version of the plugin may have different optimization and transformation rules.


Try to unify the version of the Compose compiler plugin used in the project. If you encounter version conflicts, you can try upgrading or downgrading libraries, or use Gradle's dependency resolution rules to enforce the use of a specific version of the plugin.

Issue 35: Compatibility of Android Virtual Machine with Compose UI

Problem Description

The Android Virtual Machine (such as Dalvik and ART) is the environment in which Android apps run. As a new UI framework, Compose UI may encounter compatibility issues in its interactions with the virtual machine.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    // Compose UI component

Problem Analysis

Although Compose UI is designed to be compatible with the Android Virtual Machine, in practice, there may be issues caused by specific behaviors of the virtual machine, such as garbage collection mechanisms, JIT compilation optimizations, AOT compilation differences, etc.


Ensure that the version of Compose UI used by the application is compatible with the target Android Virtual Machine version. When encountering performance issues or crashes, use Android Profiler and other debugging tools to analyze the problem and adjust based on the analysis results. Stay informed with the Android developer community and official documentation for the latest information and best practices related to the virtual machine.

Issue 36: Consistency of Compose UI Behavior Across Different Android Versions

Problem Description

Due to the potential for different behaviors of the Android Virtual Machine across various Android system versions, Compose UI may exhibit inconsistencies on different versions.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    // Compose UI component

Problem Analysis

Different versions of the Android system may have varying API behaviors, performance characteristics, and system limitations. This can affect the behavior of Compose UI components, especially in areas involving system interactions, animations, and drawing.


Test Compose UI applications on multiple Android versions to ensure consistent component behavior across different versions. Use conditional compilation and version checks to handle specific version behavior differences. Follow official compatibility guidelines and use androidx compatibility libraries to enhance the compatibility of your application.

Issue 37: Memory Management and Garbage Collection with Compose UI and the Virtual Machine

Problem Description

The state management and recomposition mechanisms of Compose UI may impact the memory management and garbage collection (GC) of the Android Virtual Machine.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    val state = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
    // ...

Problem Analysis

The state of Compose UI components is managed through Kotlin property delegation and the remember function. Improper state management can lead to memory leaks, increasing the frequency and burden of garbage collection.


Use Compose UI's state management APIs appropriately, avoiding unnecessary object references within Composable functions. Use DisposableEffect to manage resources that need to be manually released. Monitor the application's memory usage with tools like Android Profiler and address memory leaks promptly.

Issue 38: Compose UI and Android Virtual Machine Multithreading Concurrency

Problem Description

State management and event handling in Compose UI may involve multithreading concurrency, which needs to be compatible with the thread model and synchronization mechanisms of the Android Virtual Machine.

Code Example

fun MyComponent() {
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    // Handle asynchronous tasks with coroutines

Problem Analysis

Compose UI uses Kotlin coroutines to handle asynchronous tasks and concurrency. Although coroutines are a lightweight concurrency model, improper use can still lead to thread safety issues, such as race conditions and deadlocks.


Use Kotlin coroutines correctly and follow best practices for coroutines, such as managing coroutine scopes within ViewModel, using withContext to switch threads, and managing shared states with StateFlow and SharedFlow. Ensure all state updates are performed on the main thread and avoid executing time-consuming operations directly within Composable functions.
